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Monday, October 17, 2011

Low Sec and Piracy

The Eve Pirate in general is no pirate.

In Eve for most intents and purposes my character's direction and the direction of my corp would be considered one of piracy. We dwell in low sec and maintain a low security status, and we enjoy bringing conflict to the region and looting haulers when we can't get 'good fights'.

But are we really pirates? We have no dreams of wealth, and we hold no 'charter' from a power to destroy certain groups vessels and keep the profit. We are not treasure seeking, and we tend to steer away from the more democratic nature of pirate culture. In a classic sense we are not Pirates at all, nor are most of the denizens that reside in low security space, but we are not simple criminals or outlaws either.

Capsuleers in low security space, the true -10 folk, do not actively seek to do sites or exploration, do not take missions, and do not engage the NPC pirates in any region. Their sole targets are other capsuleers. They want to fight and kill and be killed by fellow capsuleers. There are no deeper goals, no desire to build a great empire or secret brotherhood, just individuals that band together with blood thirsty sorts and kill people like themselves in fair sport.

Thinking (never too deeply) I feel that the low sec dweller in the context of eve is a noble if not the most noble play style. Low Sec dwellers make no effort to exploit the common folk (mortals),do not lay waste to pirates or their habitats, do not fight for any unified cause or government ideology (generally) and seek no empires, they stay disconnected from the Eve PVE experience and in an RP perspective remain aloof from the universe as a whole. Appearing in stations to repair, resupply, and then to undock and proceed to fight one another.

A true Valhalla experience if any, the Capsuleer gods whose only interest is to engage in eternal struggle with others like them for no gain. Eve low sec dwellers are not Pirates at all, they are vikings.. the catch is they do not care if you don't want to play their game or not.. step into their territory and you are on the battlefield for better or worse.

People say low sec is a forgotten place and some say it is a ghetto, but really it is the last refuge where there is a potential for small scale good fights. (Getting blobbed too, it happens, but it happens in all regions of eve… High Sec wardecs included, and worse the neutral rep assholes) Is there anything that could make low sec better? Possibly, but it is honestly not as broken as people believe it is. Senseless battle is not for the profit seeking, it is for the thrill seeking.

1 comment:

  1. You still going? will look for you in game when I get bigger.
