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Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Nyan Cat Pirates

The Nyan Cat Pirates
Refined Gentlemen Pirates with Rainbows Shitting out their Asses

The Nyan Cat Pirates was a spin off from my old corp Bath and Body Works, and was mostly a protest against the excessive 'blueing' of potential targets while living in Sinq Liason.  It was also a good detachment from my previous corp and an opportunity for a fresh new direction.   As long as I have had Ezeria I have had the pilot in a combat sense and nearly 80% of my career with the pilot has been in Low Sec.  

Certainly I am not elite and my kill volume is low as I tend to be a weekend warrior. Living in Japan means my play times and availability to find pilots to fly with is limited. (Aussies tend to fly with Aussies and finding Aussie Pirates is a pain in the ass, and Eve in the market in Japan.. not yet..)

My glorious killboard banner

I forged The Nyan Cat Pirates to be what SOAPY wasn't.  A chilled out place for pure piracy and higher skilled SP pilots to hangout and possibly help developing pilots that we can feed into a training corp.   So the manage the madness I made an alliance (Extract.)  It has three corporations with specific roles:

(1) The Nyan Cat Pirates  - Flagship corporation.  Sp limit of 25m or more.  Pilots should be criminals (-5 sec or lower).  HACs and Logistic capable (Skills at Level IV and V respectfully). Self-sufficient, and capable pilots that can lead and help run ops and make sure we are having fun as a community.

(2) Nyan Cat Logistics - For alts, money makers, and friends who just don't wanna be criminals. They do backbone work for the alliance and see to a steady supply of BCs, and T1 cruisers at typically no cost.

(3) Bath and Body Works - my old corp and the bastard child of the alliance. Perfect for training new pilots. Goal is to dump as many low sp hungry pirates into it and distribute them all the rifters, ruptures, arbitrators, thoraxes they need to have fun.


The Plan is pretty much that.  We're still getting on our feet, and haven't really pressed the recruitment drive button. We moved to a quiet region and have yet to decide if that was brilliant or stupid.  What I do know is that the guys we have are good, if not in skills, in attitude. We enjoy hanging out as much as we do roaming and that community and chilling is a big deal to me. In time I hope we can find ourselves a bucket load of newbies who want to yarr with us, and in time we can filter them into our flagship corp as they grow into the HAC, Logi, BC, BS, and etc pilots everyone turns into after a good year into the game.


Keep Yarrr'ing


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